Solo Not Solo

Do you dream of traveling the world? Do you feel held back from it because you can’t find someone to go with you? Are you too afraid to go solo? Keep reading and you just might find the answer you’ve been looking for.

Most of my adult life was spent raising my son and daughter on my own. I was always too strapped for cash to even be carefree about how much I drove my car-conserving gas was a priority-much less thinking about traveling.

My youngest child graduated from high school in 2017, at which time I began my graduate degree program. During this time, I was also in a horribly toxic, controlling marriage that significantly restricted my freedoms as a human being.

I completed my graduate degree in nursing in May 2019. and also filed for divorce (my 4th one) the same month. With my newfound freedom, and, for the first time in my life of only being responsible for myself and no one else, I was ready to travel the world. My plans were only slowed by my inability to find someone to go with me-until COVID hit, that is. Then, for 2 years, all dreams of travel remained just that…dreams.

In January of 2022, for my 51st birthday, I decided I was going to Italy, and I was going by myself! Was it a terrifying thought? You betcha it was!! BUT-I had found out about these travel companies that put travel packets together for trips all over the world. You pick your destination and the dates you want to go and see what tours they have for that time period. It was perfect for me!

I booked a week-long trip to Italy. It started in Rome, then to Assisi, Florence, Pisa, and Venice. It was absolutely perfect. On this trip, I was solo. But I wasn’t. There were about 15 other people who had signed up for the same package (several of whom I have remained in touch). So, we were all together as a group for the entire trip. We all stayed at the same hotel, shared the same tour bus and guides, and were offered the same excursions. So, if you wanted a buddy to go grab dinner with, there was always someone from the group you could get together with. If you wanted to go alone, you simply went alone. The same with the activities during the entire trip-you could join the group for the events included in the package, or you could go out on your own to explore. You only had to make sure you were on the bus on time when it was time to move on to the next city.

Vatican City-St. Peter’s Basilica (Rome)

It was truly one of the best times of my life, and an adventure I’d do over and over again! In fact, in March 2023, I’m taking a trip to Ireland with the same tour company-though my cousin will be joining me on that trip.

Don’t let fear hold you back. Solo traveling has proven to be so empowering and boosted my confidence tremendously! I know it will do the same for you!

Click on the facebook link below to read about all of my recent travels.

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