Hey! What’s Going On?

Hey to all of my travel buddies!  Look, I know it’s been a while, so don’t make me go sharing all of my excuses!  I’m just popping in to say hello and give you all a little update since it’s been a few months since my last trip.  But worry not, I’ll be taking you all with me on another one very soon!

My last post revealed that my next trip is booked, and I am headed to South Africa to cage dive with Great Whites, and safari by land and by hot air balloon.  Well…you’d probably think I should say I’m sad to tell you that plan has changed, but the only part of that statement that would be true is “that plan has changed”!  I’m not sad about it.  The closer it got to my departure date, the stronger my intuition was telling me not to go.  Now, I’ve learned a whole lot of things over the years, but one of the most important things I’ve learned is to pay attention when my gut is telling me something I don’t want to hear!

I’ll never know what potential disasters I have avoided by cancelling that trip – aside from the financial loss that comes with cancelling a trip paid in full that close to leaving (and we can just leave the word “potential” off of this scenario – unfortunately, “listening to my gut” isn’t a covered excuse by the travel insurers).  But I have zero regrets!

Of course, cancelling South Africa means I have some days off work with nothing filling them!  So, my cousin, Denise, and I planned our third annual Denise’s Birthday in New England trip, and we are both thrilled!

We will be returning to some familiar stomping grounds, as well as covering some new territory.  So, stay tuned so you can come along with us to Rhode Island, Cape Cod, Salem, Gloucester, Kennebunk, Portland, Bangor, Bar Harbor, Acadia National Park, and anywhere else we decide to stop along the way.  And as a special treat, we will be going on a moose tour!!!  On our past trips to Maine, we’ve put on our best Elmer Fudd gear as if hunting rabbits, only we scouted for moose. On our own. With no luck.  This time, we are leaving it to the professionals to take us to where they will be and I. AM. STOKED!!!!

In other news, my writing continues.  I have submitted several pieces for publication consideration in recent months, and I will continue to do just that.  I confess that I haven’t written as much in recent weeks as I would have liked.  My office chair I use to write in was old, and the comfort level after already sitting in it all day to work my “real” job was down to zero.  I am happy to share that I finally broke down and bought myself a nice, new, fancy schmancy office chair that just arrived today!  And the difference it has already made is tremendous!

I’m still praying that writing is how I will earn my living eventually.  But for now, it doesn’t pay the bills, so I’ll continue to wear the nursing hat since I must.  But no matter how I earn my living – even if…wait, no! ESPECIALLY if I win the lotto Friday night – I will continue to travel as far and as wide as the good Lord allows me, and I will always share those trips with you all here.

Until we meet again, happy travels friends!

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