I Want to Be A Part of It…

…New York, New York…Is there even anything more to say? I LOVE New York! I’m kinda obsessed with it! Aside from having layovers at airports in New York, I had never been to the city. In December of 2019, the opportunity finally arose, and no one had to twist my arm to get me there!

That first trip was perfect! I remember being in complete awe the entire time. With every iconic site entering my field of vision for the very first time, I couldn’t believe I was actually finally there! To this day, it remains one of my most favorite places to visit. I will go back again and again and again.

Since that initial trip in 2019, I have been back 3 more times. Plus, my daughter moved there just over a year ago, so I have plenty of reason to keep going back.

As far as where to stay-my first time there, I stayed about a block away from Times Square. The second time, I stayed in the financial district-which I absolutely loved. In fact, while I was there, I had decided that should I ever move to Manhattan, it would likely be the financial district. The last time that I stayed long enough to get a hotel, I stayed in Upper East Side. This was also super nice. It is further away from most things touristy (except for Central Park), but I was ok with that as I had already seen all of the sites on my list during previous trips. This particular trip was to see my daughter. My last time there was actually a day trip. My adventurous side decided to do what I had thought of doing for a long time-I hopped on a plane early one morning, flew to NYC for the day (it’s less than a 2-hour flight from Savannah), and flew back home that evening. My cousin went with me on that trip, and we had a glorious day! But I will warn you should you consider doing it, it was absolutely exhausting! It took me several days to recover.

If you have any specific questions about traveling to NYC, shoot them my way. I’m no expert, but I’ve been enough in recent years, and read enough before each trip that I do have some helpful info stored in my head. If you have never been, I can only say this…GO!!!!!

I have so many fantastic photos that it is difficult to decide which ones to include here. But I plan to do several blog posts on NYC, so I will add different ones on those.

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