Behind the Scenes in Writing

In my journey of making something of my love of writing, I quickly came to realize how much I needed to learn. Even with writing as my gift (I believe God gives all of us at least one), there is so much to know about the industry that cannot come naturally. While he could pen a fantastic story with ease from the beginning, even Stephen King had to learn via trial and error about how to get published (which took him many years and countless rejections . . . I’ve only got three “No, thank you(s)” hanging on my nail thus far, which means I anticipate hundreds more to follow).

In January of this year, I decided to try and make something of writing. I went into this knowing it would be a marathon and not a sprint. I assume it will be years in the making before anyone publishes any of my musings, and just as long before they’ll be willing to pay me for it.

I’m on the path, steadfastly making my way into the writers world. Sometimes, I let my full time work consume me, and it leaves me too drained at the end of the day for writing. But I decided to set aside at least one day a week where I don’t work on anything else. Today is one of those days, and it includes watching interviews with very successful writers. They are the best ones to learn from! I also signed up for a course on non-fiction writing, and I’ve jotted down several ideas of things I’d like to write about. Oh, yeah, and I’ve added a new post to my blog page 🙂

Probably the biggest thing I’ve learned about writing so far is this: there is a whole lot more to it than simply penning the words (that’s actually the easy part!). So, I thought I’d share a day in the life of someone striving toward success. And because I enjoy it so much, I will stay the course even if success in the form of making a living this way never comes.

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